Cliffhangers Gun Shows
Where we make it easy for gun & military enthusiasts to gather.
Upcoming events
Lake City
Clay County Fairgrounds
Putnam County Fairgrounds
Clay County Fairgrounds
Putnam County Fairgrounds
Lake City
Flagler County Fairgrounds
Clay County Fairgrounds
Since 1992
We have delivered Gun & Military Shows to Northeast Florida, where we prioritize quality with both our customers and vendors alike. At Cliffhangers we pride ourselves on the diversity of our vendors and the goods for sale, featuring everything from collectibles to the cutting-edge in handguns, long guns, accessories, and everything in between.

Can I bring a firearm to the show to sell or trade?
Yes! Please be sure the gun is unloaded before you enter the show, take it to our gun check table at the show entry for verification. They will clear it and secure it with a zip tie to disable the action. No loaded firearms and no loaded magazines are permitted at the gun show. Your personal safety is our number one priority while you are at the show.
What do I need to bring with me and what is the procedure for buying a firearm?
To purchase a firearm in Florida you will need a valid driver’s license or gov’t issued picture ID, be a Florida resident, and be at least 21 years of age. If you do not have a valid Florida ID, you must have a valid gov’t issued picture ID and gov’t issued proof that you are a Florida resident. For example, a vehicle registration, voter’s registration card, Property Tax Record, or a hunting/fishing license. If you are not a Florida resident, the firearm purchased may be shipped to a licensed dealer where permitted by state laws.**Some exceptions may apply to long guns. If you are not a U.S. Citizen, you must bring your Resident Alien Card, as well as, your Florida ID or a valid visa, hunting license, and your Florida ID. All individuals MUST pass a background check to take possession of a purchased firearm. If you have a Florida Concealed Weapon permit, you will be permitted to take the firearm with you on the same day as purchased. Otherwise, you will be required to wait 3-5 business days, excluding weekends and federal holidays, before picking up the firearm from a licensed dealer in the area. **Wait times vary by county. **ALL DOCUMENTATION MUST BE ORIGINALS AND NOT EXPIRED**
I have a concealed weapon permit. Am I allowed to bring my gun loaded to the show?
No. All guns must be unloaded and secured with a plastic tie at our security desk. Safety is our number one priority and can only be maintained if there are NO loaded guns in the show.
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